What personal information does Bump have access to, how is it protected and how is my privacy respected?
The data Bump has access to and collects is your email address. Other information collected is what Google offers
through their analytics (Location, IP, web browser, etc). We use the TLS protocol
to encrypt all emails, and SPF and DKIM for email security. As there
is no 100% secure service, we recommend that you do not use our service
and disclose in any email format for that matter, sensitive data such
as bank accounts, credit cards, passwords, pins, phone numbers, etc.
Bump does not have any access to your inbox or email account and
does not store the emails forwarded to you. The messages or emails that
Bump has access to are the ones sent to us either at
[email protected]
or through the web chat. We do not disclose or sell any of your data.