Why choose Bump over DuckDuckGo Email Protection

Bump is the perfect DuckDuckGo alternative that's safe and secure, offers custom domains, multiple recipients, emails sending and more.
Tracking protection Yes Yes
Privacy at the top Sure Yes
Custom domains Yes No
Multiple recipients Yes No
Powerful dashboard Yes, with powerful extensions No
Live chat support Yes No
Cool duck in logo Seriously? Well, that's a good point
Sign up now — free

I have more questions...

  • How to use Bump?

    You can use it though this website (in dashboard) or download our official extension for multiple browsers. Choose your preferable method and enjoy.
  • Why do I need this?

    If you have email address, you know about spam. Almost half of all emails on the Internet are spam We want to help people forget about this problem and use emails the way it was intended - easy and comfortable.
  • Do you really value my privacy?

    Sure! Privacy is at the core of our service. We are completely open and transparent about our actions and permissions. No logs, no secrets.
  • Can I try Bump for free?

    Yes! Just click on this link, proceed small form — that's all. Now you can try Bump.
Do you have more questions? Read our FAQ

Get started in three easy steps

Install extension
for your browser
Sign up for free
(no credit card required)
Use Bump Emails
on any website